F.A.Q on Naturopathy
Ans. Naturopathy is a drugless health care practice that focuses on restoring health rather than managing disease. The human body is having remarkable recuperative power to heal itself. Naturopathy primarily focuses on disease prevention rather than cure as prevention is the safe, easy and cost effective approach to health.
Q. 2 What is philosophical basis of Naturopathy?
Ans. According to naturopathy, disease is due to accumulation of toxins, suppression of acute symptoms and violation of natural laws. Health restored on elimination of toxins from the body, and by following the natural laws.
Q. 3 What is diet therapy?
Ans. In diet therapy, quality and quantity of diet is modified and regulated as per the requirements. Diet must be provided in natural form during the treatment period. Fresh seasonal fruits, fresh green leafy vegetables and sprouts are excellent from this point of view.
Q. 4 What is fasting therapy?
Ans. Fasting is major therapeutic tool in Naturopathy. In this, all solid foods are stopped and supplemented by liquids such as fruit juices, vegetable soups, herbal drinks etc
Q. 5 What is mud therapy?
Ans. Mud is one of the great five elements in nature. The mud before used is sterilised in sun rays. It dilutes and absorbs the toxic substances of body and ultimately eliminates them from body. Mud packs and mud bath are main forms of this treatment.
Q. 6 What is hydro therapy?
Ans. Water is other great element used as an ancient method of treatment. Steam bath, Hipbath, Hot and cold fomentation, Hot foot bath, Spinal bath, Immersion bath are some of the methods of treatment in Hydrotherapy. Water baths opens up all pores of the skin, instills lightness and smartness to the body, all systems and muscles of body are activated and the blood circulation improves.
Q. 7 What is Masso therapy?
Ans. Massage is Naturopathy treatment modality and quite essential for maintaining health. It aims at improving the blood circulation and also at strengthening bodily organs. It is beneficial to all. In disease condition necessary therapeutic effects can be derived through specific techniques of massage to overcome different disease symptoms.
Q. 8 What is chromo therapy?
Ans. For prevention and treatment of different diseases, colours work effectively. Seven colours of Sun rays have different therapeutic effects. Coloured bottles filled with water and oil exposed to sun for specific hours and coloured glasses are used as devices of Chromo Therapy for treating different disorders.
Q. 9 What is Air therapy?
Ans. Fresh air is most essential for good health. The advantage of Air Therapy can be achieved by means of Air bath. In this process, one should walk daily after removing the clothes or wearing light clothes at a lonely clean place where adequate fresh air is available.
Q. 10 What are important diagnostic methods in Naturopathy?
Ans. Apart from the modern diagnosis method, Naturopathy follows Iris diagnosis, Facial diagnosis and chromo diagnosis methods.
Q. 11 Who is a naturopathic doctor?
Ans. Naturopathic doctors are highly educated and complete healthcare providers who integrate standard medical diagnostics with a broad range of natural therapies.
Q. 12 Do they have license to treat patients?
Ans. Yes, qualified naturopathy doctors, who studied under regular educational programmed provided by Naturopathy colleges are registered in state Medical Boards. They are licensed to treat patients.
There are specialized educational programmes for NDs provided by naturopathic colleges, although NDs may have special training beyond their training at a naturopathic college (for parenteral therapy, for example). NDs may have ‘special interests’ in health conditions in which the ND has had extensive treatment experience or holds keen interest, or a modality used preferentially with a high degree of success. Although, a ND may have a special interest in a specific disease or treatment modality, naturopathic care is always holistic in nature and highly individualised and unique to each patient.
Q. 14 Can naturopathic doctors treat acute concerns and chronic health conditions?
Ans. Yes, NDs are complete holistic health care practitioners, which mean that they can treat the same conditions as a family doctor, including both acute concerns and chronic health conditions. If NDs are unable to treat your condition, they will refer appropriate specialist.
Q. 15 What kinds of illnesses can be managed by naturopathy?
Ans. All kinds of chronic health complaints that respond to conventional treatment can be managed with naturopathy. The degree of improvement and benefits will vary greatly with the individual, depending on the diagnosis and other factors, but patients are often surprised at the degree of relief they derive from this approach.
Q. 16 What conditions can naturopathic medicine treat?
Ans. Naturopathic medicine can treat almost all condition. This is because it provides more than just ‘disease-care’. It’s a total ‘health-care’ system. Its goal is to treat the whole body and to improve one’s total health. By doing this, it becomes easier to treat the specific disease one may be suffering from. Some common conditions naturopathic doctors see in their offices are
Chronic Illnesses:
- Chronic Inflammatory disorders
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Arthritis
- Hypertension, Atherosclerosis, Heart Disease
- Cancer
- Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne
- Allergies and Environmental Illnesses
- Fibromyalgia
- Improper Digestion
- Crohn’s, Colitis, IBS
Acute Conditions
- Colds and Flues
- Ear and Throat infections
- Headaches and Migraines
- Intestinal upsets
Women’s Health
- Menopausal problems
- PMS and menstrual disorders
- Breast Cancer and Fibrocystic Breast Disease
- Infertility
- Endometriosis, Uterine Fibroids
Men’s Health
- BPH and Prostatitis
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Infertility
Weight Management, Insomnia, Depression, Stress, ADHD etc.
Q. 17 How does Naturopathic treatment works?
Ans. Naturopathic Medicine supports and promotes the body’s natural healing process, leading to a person’s highest state of well being. By addressing the cause of the disease and individualizing treatment that integrates the healing power of the body, mind and spirit, health can be restored, optimized and maintained.
Q. 18. How is Naturopathic Medicine different from conventional medicine?
Ans. The main difference is in philosophical approach. Doctors of Naturopathic Medicine help people by restoring overall health rather than suppressing a few key symptoms. ND’s are more concerned with finding the underlying cause of a condition and applying treatments that work in alliance with the natural healing mechanism of the body rather than against it. Naturopathic treatments result less frequently in adverse side effects, or in chronic conditions that arise when the cause of a disease is left untreated. ND takes more time with a patient and takes a more comprehensive approach to help the individual.
Q. 19 Who can benefit from Naturopathy?
Ans. People of all ages can benefit from Naturopathy. Chronically ill people can also benefit from naturopathy, especially because of its holistic approach.
Q. 20 Are Naturopathic Doctors opposed to drugs and surgery?
Ans. No, ND’s are not opposed to invasive or suppressive measures when they are deemed necessary. Naturopaths also make referrals to such treatments when deemed appropriate.
Q. 21 Is Naturopathic Medicine cost effective?
Ans. This approach reduces the incidence of high-cost chronic conditions and can reduce both immediate and long term health cost.
Q. 22. How long will it take to get better?
Ans. Naturopathic Medicine primarily supports the body’s innate ability to heal and seeks to find the underlying cause of a condition. Therefore, it is difficult to say how long it can take for one to get better. Generally, most people will start feel better in the first month; however it may take time to completely feel better depending on you and your body’s ability to heal. It is important to remember that for chronic conditions you did not reach your current state of health overnight and it will take time to completely heal your body.
Q. 23 What are the principles of Naturopathic Medicine?
Ans. Naturopathy believes in theory “Unity of disease and Unity of cure”. i.e., disease is due to accumulation of foreign matter and cure is its elimination.
Q. 24 What medical conditions can a Naturopath taken care of?
Ans. Naturopathic Doctors can take care of any condition which does not immediately require surgery or which is not a life-threatening emergency.
Q. 25 Can Naturopathic medicine be used in conjunction with other forms of medicine?
Ans. Yes, Naturopathic medicine works very well when used in conjunction with other forms of medicine including pharmaceutical drugs, acupuncture and chiropractic care.
Your naturopathic doctor will custom-tailor your health plan and will be able to avoid negative interactions with other therapies you may be using. In addition, naturopathic can help to counteract the side effects of more invasive treatments such as chemotherapy.
Q. 26. How is naturopathic medicine different from regular medicine?
Ans. The goal of naturopathic medicine is to treat the whole body through individualized treatment that is safe, natural, and side-effects free. Its main mechanism is to stimulate the body’s own natural ability to heal itself. In addition to ridding the body of disease, the goal is to raise the overall health of all organ systems within the body, and to prevent future development of disease. This is in contrast to the long-term use of prescription medications that can sometimes do more harm than good by deteriorating your vitality in the long run.
Q. 27. Is naturopathic medicine scientific? Is it safe?
Ans. Every year countless research studies, both scientific and clinical, are conducted by hundreds of independent companies, laboratories and universities. With the growing demand, naturopathic doctors meet high standards of practice and base their treatments on sound scientific studies.
As for the safety of naturopathy, since it focuses on using substances that are natural, gentle, non-toxic, and non-invasive. Side effects are rare and naturopathic doctors are well trained about interactions between naturopathic remedies and conventional medication.
Q. 28. Do naturopathic doctors cross refer to other practitioners?
Ans. Yes, it is becoming more common that naturopathic doctors, medical doctors, massage therapists, and other health care professionals cross refer clients for a coordinated and complete health care plan. Naturopathic doctors are trained to recognize conditions that are outside their scope of practice and to refer to other health care providers when it is appropriate.
Q. 29. Why is fasting specified for all and many treatments are not given during fasting?
Ans. In Naturopathy, fasting is a major tool by which, food intake is reduced or controlled to eliminate the toxins in the body. We know that this stage is very tiresome but is very essential as it is the only way of removing the toxins from the body accumulated over the years. Fasting is an age old remedial therapy, which has many benefits and you should not be afraid of fasting. In fact, fasting should be a habit of living and be practiced once a week or so. During fasting, we would like to avoid strenuous treatments like massage etc. As such, strenuous treatments will have adverse effect, and hence light treatments are given. However, fasting is not prescribed in some cases like diabetes, hypertension, acidity, ulcer etc. for medical reasons.