Affiliated By-Health Department and Ministry of UP Govt.

Affiliated By-Medical & Health Education Department and Ministry of UP Govt.

Our Vision

To Established a center of excellence for imparting high end industry relevent education to produce prospective incumbents fully equipped with skills ,scientific techniques and managerial capabilities to accomplish the objective entrusted upon them

Our Mission

Imparting variety of high quality education and creating research facilities under one roof and churning competitive,prospective and dedicated team leader and ambassadors for socio economic growth of the nation.

Our Pathway

The PPCC will interact and collaborated widely like minded universities and institutions nationally and globally to exchange for benefit of the student

Research & Development:

The Research & Development work is undertaken largely at the Government level although some private institutes are also involved in it. In March 1978 the Central Council of Homeopathy was dissolved to form four separate councils:

1. Central Council of Research for Ayurveda and Siddha,
2. Central Council of Research for Unani,
3. Central Council of Research for Homeopathy and
4. Central Council of Research for Yoga and Naturopathy.

Basic Aims and Objectives of PPCC IAMS:

1. To formulate aims and pattern of research on scientific lines in Yoga and Naturopathy
2. To undertake education, training, research and other programs in yoga and Naturopathy
3. To promote and assist institutions involved in research, propagation and experimental research in prevention, causation and remedy of diseases with special emphasis on the coverage of rural population in the country
4. To initiate, develop and co-ordinate Scientific Research on fundamental and applied aspect of Yoga and Nature cure.
5. To finance research for furtherance of objectives of the Council and to exchange information with other institutions associations and societies having similar objectives
6.To offer prizes and scholarship in furtherance of the objectives of the council

Based on research studies under PPCC IAMS and other Non-government Organisations, it has been established that Yoga & Naturopathy are more effective in the management of the following disorders: -
1. Amoebiasis
2.Anxiety Neurosis/ Depression
3. Arthritis
4.Allergic skin disease
5.Bronchial Asthama
7.Cervical Spondylosis
12.Irritable Bowel Syndrome
14.Peptic Ulcer
15.Respiratory Tract Infection

The aim of the Council for Research in Yoga and Naturopathy is to promote and develop health in the society. They believe that in future drugless therapies will emerge as the most effective mode of treatment to combat chronic diseases.

Past Achievements

?? The Council had financed 10 Yoga and 14 Naturopathy Council Research oriented projects

?? The Council had financed Rs. 1.6 lakhs to Nature Cure Institute ,and Rs. 1.49 lakhs to District level of Naturopathy and Research for conducting regular training courses of 4 years duration from . 2014

?? The Council had organized several all India Level Seminars/Workshops on Yoga and Naturopathy.

?? The Council had prepared the model syllabus for degree and diploma courses in Yoga and Naturopathy.

Present Activities

The Council is extending its research, development, training and propagational activities through the following schemes:
- Clinical Research Scheme
- Training Programs
- Treatment cum Propagation Center
- Patient Care Center
(a) 10 bedded,20 bedded ,30 bedded
(b) 5 bedded,50 bedded
- Literary Research/Translation/Publication work
- Seminar/Workshop/Conferences

Future Programs

The Council is planning to expand its activities into various fields so as to bring this traditional system of medicine into limelight and to the forefront of health care. The Council has the following proposals -

?? To establish its own direct Research Centers and Regional Research centers for conducting in-depth Clinical Research and Training programs.

?? To compile and publish biographies and works of eminent exponents of Yoga and Naturopathy who have dedicated their lives in the development of various aspects of yoga and Naturopathy.

?? To suitably amend the IMCC Act-1970 to cover Yoga and Naturopathy under its purview and pursue the matter with the Government of India.

?? To bring out useful material out of data collected from various Research Projects financed by it with a view to propagate Yoga and Naturopathy among the masses. The Council will also bring out pamphlets, informative literature and slots highlighting the importance of Yoga and natural way of living and on common remedies.

?? To give programs related to educational and propagational activities on Yoga and Naturopathy through Doordarshan and Akashvani.

?? To provide a separate identity to Yoga and Naturopathy at the State Government level, the Council is trying to persuade the state authorities to have a "State Institute of Yoga and Naturopathy" with minimum staff and expenditure.

?? To start its OPDs at Government Hospitals for providing health consultation to needy people.

?? To collect previous research data so as to create a data bank for Research in Yoga and Naturopathy

Annexure 3 (v) gives a brief insight into the research schemes under the council.

Research and development is also undertaken by the private research institutes and the institutes abroad. They develop new technique of physiotherapy and other types of remedies. They also try to come up with new type of yogic kriya, exercise and equipment to suit their living style.

Director-Shri Swami Pramanand
IAS & Naturopathy

Guest Member of Council
Dr. Gurmeet Shekran (Brigadier, MNS)
Shree Arvind Kumar Singh ,Advocate ,Civil Court ,Bareilly
Dr.Rajenesh Kumar Saxena
Dr.Nand Kishor Morya
Dr.Suresh Kumar
Dr.Amar Singh